The Mexican name Jitomate, is otherwise known as Tomato.

Tacos de Pastor in the Guadalajara Street Food Tours - Jitomate !
Pastor around Santa Tere

Im sure most of you have tried ketchup, a good pomodoro sauce or may have even attended La Tomatina in Spain. A JITOMATE is simple to the point where you can find it just sliced as part of Som Tam or Green Papaya Salad, cooked with spices for an incredible italian sauce, grilled, side by side with haggis in a Scottish Breakfast, and certainly all around mexican cuisine.

The tours are a spin off my blog: which is in Spanish. We now have the intention not only to advice locals but to take you in a trip around Guadalajara, so you can experience, first hand, our urban, culinary adventure.

Barbacoa in Guadalajara Street Food Tours

The Jitomate Tours, are designed not only to share the experience with a nice description, picture or video… but walking with you to discover street eating in Guadalajara.

This tour isn’t focused on sight seeing, this isn’t a history tour… this tour is all about food, about flavors and about the culture and experience of eating in Mexico. A tour put together by locals, and with recommendations from many expert eaters…. enjoy !

If you have any questions, please let us know !