Street Food Tours
True Street Food

Is it safe to eat in the street ?

The places and fondas visited during the tours have been regularly visited by the staff several times. The spots chosen to make part of a tour are well known by street food conossoirs and are rated as of the best places to eat. New places are only included after careful consideration and repeated testing. Some dishes are well spiced and some might include chile sauces. This may cause some irritation but nothing to worry about. We always encourage visitors to indulge in the experience, however, we also insist you follow your instincts.


How do I get to the meeting point?

After defining the tour route, a starting point will be assigned. Directions to that point can be provided, however and as we tailor your tour, transportation might be negotiated so that Jitomate Tours arranges transportation right from your hotel door to the tour and back. In some cases, it’s actually recommended. This will depend on the distances to cover, and number of food explorers included. If have specific needs just let us know.

Will tours be in spanish ?

Our tours can be given in English, French and with some time consideration, German and Portuguese can be accomodated. We have a great level of commitment to make your experience memorable, so we want to make sure you have an intimate tour. Of course we all speak spanish, most of us are mexicans with deep love for local food whichs adds to your experience, nothing like having locals walk you around.

chile-verde2Will all food be HOT?

Not necesarily, Mexican Food is famous for the hotness, however most dishes allow you to add the chile you want (if any). With that said, some of the dishes do have other spices, so make sure you try all salsas before adding them to the torta or taco. Instructions will be given so you understand proper etiquette. If you have any particular concerns, let us know.

Will Vegans or Vegetarians enjoy the tour?

Certainly, Mexico has great dishes to offer for vegetarians or vegans. Make sure you point this out when you book so we can recommend which tour to take. For instance… the Torta Ahogada tour involve pork sandwiches… not a lot of variation possible there… however the Mercados or Santa Tere Tours can offer many delicious dishes for you !

What does the fee cover ?

The fee covers  a fantastic culinary adventure. When we designed the Jitomate Tours, that was the only objective we had in mind, fantastic culinary adventures for food explorers. We belive that street food clearly reflects history and social evolution. We want to make sure  that’s what we deliver and what you take that away. The fee will cover the guided tour of the route, dishes and some of the drinks that are included in the experience.

Its important to clarify that some of the presentations you will taste in different locals aren’t available for normal customers. The volumes, sizes and presentations are designed so you can try more than one menu in your tour. Of course you are welcome to have full size plates but we always encourage you to “save some space for the rest”. As we move fwd, you can autoregulate.

Transportation is not included but can be negotiated depeding on the number of food explorers and distances we will cover.

Could you just tell me where to go?

We can certainly recommend several places for you to go and explore by yourself. We actually have a whole section of places we can recommend you to go and explore. Nothing that a taxi ride and some basic spanish can’t get you started with. The main difference between going by yourself and taking the tour, is that we explore specific places that are hard to find by yourself, hard to know exactly what to order and you will normally have only one dish since the servings tend to be quite large.

The tour takes you to several places in a single walk so you get to experience many flavours and dishes with a single trip. Also, you get to understand what you are eating… what the differences are and how the dish and place plays a role in local history or beyond.

During the tour , we can also recommend spots and places to visit by yourself, and in some cases you might even try to return. If you’ve heard of any dish or place you would like to visit, drop us a line and let us know. We can certainly explore that possibility.

Please let us know if you have any special requirements or if you are looking for something in particular !

If you have ANY other questions… please let us know !