Vegetarian Tour anyone ?

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When you think of vegetarian food, you dont normally think of Mexico.

As a matter of fact, most people assume the vegetarian offers in Mexico are slim to none. I thought so myself, until a fiend of my asked me about it. Of course we have vegetarian restaurants, but he wanted to try typical mexican food. That got me thinking.

All of the sudden, I started identifying vegetarian dishes in traditional places. The problem is that, since we are not a vegetarian society, we dont think of them as vegetarian. They are just options. Now, we dont really have “TOFU” kind of dishes. Some of the options we have include, cheese, egg and some might even be fried in pork lard. OK, I know that isn’t strictly vegan but its vegetarian enough.

Seafood vegetaria tour in guadalajara

As I launched the Tours, I thougt of adding a vegetarian option, and include some seafood in there. Guadalajara is a few hours away from the sea, so we get very fresh products almost everyday. The tours might include a few vegetarian options, but if you are looking for a 100% meat free option, let us know in advance to understand your needs and expectations. We can accomodate almost all requests.

Quesadillas vegetarian tour guadalajara jitomate

Quesadillas include corn and cheese for example, add some tomate sauce and maybe beans. We also have amazing sopes which are tortilla based cooked in a comal with potatos or even one of my personal favorites, chilaquiles with huitlacoche.

Get ready to experience mexican food in a way not a lot of people get to know. Contact us and share with us what you are looking for. Some options might be a bit our of our reach but we’ll do the best to accomodate special needs !


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